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 PhD_Business Language and Culture 
 MA_Cultural Studies on European Integration 
 BA_Western Society and Culture 
 MA_Intercultural Communication 
Course Description and Teaching Schedule of "Western Society and Culture"

Culture shapes our view of the world. And language is the most representative element in any culture. Any item of behavior, tradition or pattern can only be understood in light of its meaning to the people who practice it. A knowledge of the codes of behavior of another people is important if today’s foreign language students are to communicate successfully in the target language.

Without the study of culture, foreign language instruction is inaccurate and incomplete. For foreign language students, language study seems senseless if they know nothing about the people who speak it or the country in which it is spoken. Language learning should be more than the manipulation of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

In this course we will examine not only a list of facts concerning two major English-speaking countries, but also have an intimate view of what life is really like in the target culture. This course is designed to help you:

  • to have a rather comprehensive understanding of the UK and the US society and culture;

  • to raise your awareness of culture;

  • to foster your teamwork spirit.


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