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What is Jean Monnet Chair



Jean Monnet Chairs are teaching posts with a specialisation in European Union studies for university professors or senior lecturers.

Jean Monnet Chairs can:

  • enhance the teaching of EU studies at your institution through the curriculum

  • conduct, monitor and supervise research on EU matters at all education levels

  • be a mentor and advisor to the next generation of teachers and researchers

  • provide expert guidance to future professionals about European matters

Jean Monnet Chairs are encouraged to:

  • publish books within their university press during the grant period. The grant will cover part of the publication and, if need be, part of the translation costs

  • participate in dissemination and information events in your country and around Europe

  • organise events (lectures, seminars, workshops, etc.) with policymakers, civil society and schools

  • network with other academics and institutions supported by Jean Monnet

  • apply open educational resources, and publish the summaries, content, schedule and expected outcomes of your activities

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