Prof.WANG attended the Sixth International Conference "EU post 2020 – New Europe in a New World", held on 30 to 31 May, 2019, at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria.
This is a great opportunity for Prof. WANG to promote the outcomes and the visibility of his Jean Monnet Chair project "Culture and EU's Sustainability" in Europe as well.

Conference venue: European Commission Representation in Sofia
The Sixth International Conference "EU post 2020 – New Europe in a New World" was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the European Studies Department and the 30th anniversary of the Jean Monnet Programme.

The conference participants
The conference was organized by European Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" "Jean Monnet" Center of Excellence with the support of "Erasmus plus" programme and the "Hanns Seidel" Foundation.

The audience
Prof. WANG presented his paper at the conference:
Culture and EU’s Sustainability
WANG Xiaohai
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, 510420, P. R. China
Abstract: The EU now is indulged in a multitude of challenges and crises. The important member states of the EU, the UK, France, Germany and Italy are suffering from their internal problems, e.g., Brexit, immigration, failure in general election, financial problems and so forth. The sustainability of the EU is at stake. It is believed by many scholars that the European integration is a multi-dimensional process, involving economic, political, social and cultural dimensions. A "culturally deficit project of integration" is fragile. This paper probes into the role of culture played in the process of European integration and the importance of culture in the context of current crises faced by the EU. To keep the EU sustainable, culture should not be ignored because culture is the 'glue' that joints the member states together and the 'lubricant' that keeps the European integration moving forward smoothly.
Keywords: culture; sustainability; crisis; EU; European integration

Prof. WANG is presenting his paper "Culture and EU's Sustainability"

With Moderator of the Panel Prof. Dr. Maria, also the Vice-Rector of Sofia University